Rainy day feeling

Fuck me, but inserting a pic and adding a caption is a giant pain in the ballbag.

Well, here we are again, futzing around with the Block Editor (curse its name, yes) as the rain gauge totes up the day’s numbers and snowy bits in the Sandias make themselves known through the disintegrating clouds.

The Wizards claim that the “Leave a Reply” box that annoys the mortal shit out of everyone, especially me, is now the default, so, suck it, bitches.

Well, not in so many words, of course. But when you’re a 69-year-old retired free-range rumormonger blogging for a small, deeply disturbed audience, you learn to read between the lines.

The latest version of the “Leave a Reply” box.

Anyway, if we Little People are getting this overengineered comments clusterfuck shat upon us from on high without so much as a by-your-leave, I figure it can’t be long before they jerk the legs out from under my retired theme and the Classic Editor and leave me weeping on the shoulder of the Infobahn, as nobody calls the Internet anymore.

So I should probably think about larnin’ me some Block Editor son! I bleeve I can ride anythin’ I can th’ow a leg over if I’m drunk enough. Too bad I don’t drink anymore.

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